Q 1. Is Saans a global Foundation ?
Saans is a globally acclaimed Foundation SAANS Foundation established on 2000 at New Delhi  It received  Recognitions from following organization all over world know this.

  • Global Initiative on Asthma (GINA),
  • World Health Organisation (WHO)
  • American College of Chest Physicians(ACCP)
  •  International Journal of Neuro sciences, US
  • Millennium Alliance,USAIDS
  • TERI
  • Cleveland Clinic Foundation, US.

Q 2. What are the diseases treated at SAANS
A. Common disorders treated at saans are as follows

  • Allergy
  • Rhinitis,
  • Sinusitis,
  • Bronchial Asthma,
  • COPD,
  • Lung Fibrosis,
  • Tuberculosis
  • , Pneumonia,
  • Pleural Diseases,
  • Sarcoidosis
  • lung cancer,
  • Lymphadenopathies,
  • Respiratory Failure,
  • Stress & Lifestyle Disorders,
  • Snoring & Sleep Disorders,
  • Obesity & Breathing Disorders,
  • Tobacco- Cessation  & Deaddiction.

Q 3. How does COPD differ from the Asthma ?
Although COPD and asthma have similar characteristics such as the signs of coughing and wheezing, they are two distinct conditions in terms of disease onset, frequency of symptoms and reversibility of airway obstruction.
The onset of asthma typically occurs during childhood or adolescence. COPD most often develops in smokers and former smokers who are in mid-40s.
Exacerbations of asthma -characterized by recurrent wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and cough-often have identifiable triggers such as allergens, cold air or exercise. However exacerbations in COPD are commonly caused by respiratory infections,
With treatment, asthma patients have near- normal lung function and are symptom -free between exacerbations. Airflow obstruction in COPD sufferers is only partly reversible with smoking cessation and bronchodilator use.

Q 4.  What is Rehabilitation ?
Rehabilitation is a comprehensive intervention for patients with chronic diseases who are symptomatic and often have decreased daily activities. It is designed to reduce symptoms, optimize functional status, increase participation, and reduce health care costs through stabilizing or reversing systemic manifestations of the disease.

Q 5. What are its benefits ?

  • 3Improved Exercise Capacity
  • Reduced perceived intensity of dyspnea
  • Improve health-related QOL
  • Reduced hospitalization
  • Reduced anxiety and depression
  • Improved  limb function
  • Benefits extend well beyond immediate period of training.

Q 6. What is Pulmonary Rehabilitation?
A multidisciplinary continuum of services directed to persons with pulmonary diseases and their families, usually by an interdisciplinary team of specialists, with the goal of achieving and maintaining the individual’s maximum level of independence and functioning in the community

Q 7. Who are the patients will  require Pulmonary Rehab ?

  • FEV1 less than 80% predicted
  • FEV1/FVC less than 70 %
  • DLCO less than or equal to 65% of predicted
  • Resting hypoxemia less than or equal to 90%
  • Exercise Testing demonstrating hypoxemia less than 90%
  • Enrolling active smokers is controversial but they may benefit significantly with a focus on smoking cessation.
  • Patient Motivation is a necessary consideration.

Q 8. What are the components of pulmonary rehab and how many sessions are require ?

  • Exercise Training
  • Education
  • Medication and other therapies
  • Psychosocial/behavioral intervention
  • Chest – physical therapy
  • Nutrition assessment
  • Outcome Assessment

Normally 12 sessions are required for optimum results

Q 9. My father is 80 yrs old and is suffering from advanced COPD and can Saans Foundation organize a home rehab program for him?

Yes we provide home care services through specialized master physiotherapists

Q 10. What is Saans Wellness Program ?
SAANS total wellness is a mind body program involves a complete medical checkup, counseling, yoga, pranayam, organics and a disease specific management. A six week wellness coaching group works on mind body connection. This program helps you to transform, from the inside out for a fit and healthy lifestyle. When you transform the landscape of your thoughts, you transform the landscape of your body. You will achieve amazing results and create successful behavior changes while integrating healthy eating and exercise into your life to repower and satisfy you. This program facilitates you finding out how the mind and body connects. You will learn how we can change ourselves for good by simply incorporating few basics. Pranayanam will help you tone up your cardio respiratory system, muscle toning techniques will help you to overcome stress, help you to maintain a toned body. The methods will improve your metabolic profile and you will soon become a bundle of energy.

Q 11. Can you organize home Respiratory Care gadgets?

Yes we provide everything a door step. We also deliver discounted Respiratory drugs and devices for senior citizens.

Q 12. What is SAKSHAM Capacity?

A Multipurpose Health worker course by nurturing talent primarily amongst unemployed youths

Q 13. What are its Advantages?

  • Flexibility
  • Self employability
  • High employability
  • Sustainability
  • Scalability

Q 14. What is its Scope of employability?

  • Community health educator( health and sanitation/lifestyle etc)
  • Pharmaceutical  health educator
  • Health Home care attendant
  • Hospital health worker(trained ward boy)
  • Special skilled health worker as  a Paramedic  technician in cardiology lab/ Intensive Care units/ Respiratory lab/ dialysis unit/ Orthopedic  Care Unit/Neurology Care/ Oncology Care etc
  • Clinic supporting staff as Clinic manager
  • Special skilled health worker in disaster setting .

More than 80% of our trained health workers are working in different health sectors

Q15. What is snoring and its health impacts?
Snoring is the noise that’s made when air causes the soft tissues in your neck to vibrate. Anything that narrows your breathing passages can cause snoring. Large tonsils or a deviated septum can cause it. So can nasal congestion, being overweight or drinking alcohol.
The answer to snoring depends on the cause:

  • If you’re congested, try nasal strips to help keep your nose open.
  • If you’re overweight, losing weight may help.
  • Avoid alcohol because it can relax or close your throat muscles.
  • Sleep on your side to help keep your tongue from relaxing into your airway.

Q16. What is sleep Apnoea?
Sleep apnea is when partly or fully blocked airways cause you to stop breathing for a few seconds to a few minutes during sleep. It’s usually a partner who notices the symptoms, which include snoring or choking or gasping for breath during sleep. Another clue can be feeling tired or falling asleep during the day. Left untreated, sleep apnea can cause high blood pressure, heart enlargement, abnormal heart rhythms, poor memory or concentration, irritability and depression.
A sleep study can diagnose sleep apnea, but treatment depends on the cause and severity. For example, if you are overweight and have a mild case of sleep apnea, losing weight and sleeping on your side can be enough. In moderate to severe cases, a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) mask might be needed to force air into your nose and mouth so you don’t stop breathing. In rare cases, surgery might be needed.

Q17. What if Sleep apnoea is not treated?
Sleep apnea – chronic snoring with paused breathing filled by choking or gasping – can cause people to be more than just tired come morning.
With the lack of sleep and fresh air, sleep apnea can strain your heart, lungs and other organs.
According to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), if left untreated, sleep apnea can cause:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart attack
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Cardiac arrhythmia
  • Stroke
  • Depression

If you think you might have sleep apnea, talk to your doctor for more information on the effects it can have on your health and steps you can take to treat it.


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